NaviCare supports caregivers with comprehensive medical records and AI tools that empower informed decision-making

Role: Product Manager, UX Researcher, UI/UX Designer

Duration: 4 months

Extra reading: NaviCare Executive Summary

Extra reading: NaviCare PR + FAQ

Explore: Figma Prototype


As part of my master’s in Innovation and Management, I led a 4-month sprint project focused on the needs of unpaid caregivers in the US. I was motivated to pursue this topic because of my family’s challenges with managing my grandpa’s health, despite having a doctor (my mom) to help with this process. I saw a need for a solution that would save time, reduce stress, and empower caregivers as they navigate the medical system for their loved ones.

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“Who has time to take care of themselves when they're working full time and taking care of somebody who is no longer able to care for themselves?” – Ariel, Primary Caregiver


How is this problem currently addressed?

Through user interviews and online research, we uncovered the many “personal hacks” that caregivers use to manage this process, including keeping a binder full of medical papers or constantly looking up information online. Other alternatives include expensive private medical services, such as concierge medicine or advocacy groups.

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How might we streamline, simplify, and personalize medical information for families to take actionable next steps?



Our target market includes those in the “sandwich” generation – that being 35-64-year-old individuals who manage full-time jobs, take care of their children, and take care of their aging parents.

To better understand our target market, we implemented three methodologies to uncover insight into the caregiving process and identify other opportunities for NaviCare to be used by paid physicians or medical workers.

Market Research Methodology